Category: Basics and Essentials

The Ultimate Guide to Camping: Everything You Need to Know

Camping, a favorite pastime among wilderness explorers and nature enthusiasts worldwide, involves setting up camp in various locations. Backpackers frequently trek long distances across nature's lu...

Going Off the Grid: Discovering the Freedom of Dispersed Camping

If you have ever desired the chance to fully immerse yourself in nature without being limited by traditional campsites and their restrictions, dispersed camping may provide th...

The Meaning of Camping: More Than Just Sleeping in a Tent

Camping conjures images of sleeping bags, tents and enjoying delicious s'mores around a crackling campfire - but its essence goes much deeper. What exactly does camping entail, other than setting u...

About Us


Welcome on GlobeHealthTours, our passionate outdoor blog. With years of experience exploring nature's splendor, we have become experts at everything camping related - from choosing an appropriate tent to crafting delicious campfire meals! Through this blog, we share our expertise to inspire other to experience its joys first-hand - join us as our journey across our great outdoor to uncover top camping locations and create lifelong memories in nature!